S kodo OKTOBER15 do 15% popusta na vse nakupe nad 15€!
Končno smo online in takoj imamo zate pripravljen 15% popust za tisk na majice! KJUTSI.COM je nova spletna trgovina za tisk na majice. Izbiraj med zabavnimi motivi ali naroči personaliziranega. Tisk na majice za posebne dogodke, kot so rojstni dnevi, dekliščina, fantovščina, zaključek šolanja (diploma in magisterij) in ob upokojitvi. V naši spletni trgovini lahko nakupuješ tudi trendi majice, kot so zabavne meme majice, pivske majice, crypto majice, gamer majice… Izbiraj med različnimi kategorijami, za vsak karakter se majica najde!
Izkoristi naš otvoritveni popust za tisk na majice! Za nakup nad 15€ ti podarjamo 15% popust na celoten nakup. Uporabi kodo OKTOBER15* in naroči svojo potiskano majico! Naše izdelke si lahko ogledaš tukaj.
*Popusti se ne seštevajo. Kupon se lahko unovči enkrat na osebo. Veljavnost kupona: 6.10.-31.10.2022
Kako unovčim popust za tisk na majice?
Uporaba kodice za popust je zelo enostavna. V košarici se ti pod izdelkom, ki si ga dodal/a v košarico odpre polje Koda kupona. V to polje vpišeš kodico za popust (OKTOBER15) in potrdiš s klikom na gumb UNOVČI KUPON. Kodica ti bo avtomatično odbila 15% od celotnega nakupa. Tvoj popust za tisk na majice je tako vnovčen.
Popust za tisk na majice za posebne dogodke
Level 18 – Majica za 18. rojstni dan
18 letRated 0 out of 5€21,50 – €39,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Bride tribe
Majice za dekliščinoRated 0 out of 5€19,90 – €29,90Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Ženinova banda
Majice za fantovščinoRated 0 out of 5€19,90 – €29,90Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Končno penzija
Majice za upokojitevRated 0 out of 5€19,90 – €39,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
La vie en doge – majica doge
Kul majiceRated 0 out of 5€18,50 – €39,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Stranger cats majica
Kul majiceRated 0 out of 5€18,50 – €39,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Bossy babe
Feministične majiceRated 0 out of 5€19,90 – €34,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
GOAT (Greatest of all time) majica
Kul majiceRated 0 out of 5€18,50 – €39,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Partner in wine – pivska majica
Pivske majiceRated 0 out of 5€18,50 – €39,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Here for the beer – Pivska majica
Pivske majiceRated 0 out of 5€18,50 – €39,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Rekt leverage trader – Crypto majica
Crypto majiceRated 0 out of 5€18,50 – €39,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
I’m not f*cking selling – Crypto majica
Crypto majiceRated 0 out of 5€18,50 – €39,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
Git gud or git rekt – majica za gamerje
Gamerske majiceRated 0 out of 5€18,50 – €39,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Old school gamer (Minecraft) – gamerska majica
Gamerske majiceRated 0 out of 5€18,50 – €39,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page -
Stray cats matter – gamerska majica
Gamerske majiceRated 0 out of 5€18,50 – €39,50Kupi zdaj This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page